and everything in between for brass quintet (2018). On Visions d’Athènes, Phasma Music 091, 2024.
Industrial for piano four hands (2020). On Visions d’Athènes, Phasma Music 091, 2024.
invasion/symbiosis (III) - multichannel electro-acoustic sound (2012). On Jun, SkyDeck Music SDM-2437, 2024.
Allure for string quartet (2021). On Music for String Quartet Vol. 4, Phasma-Music 084, 2024.
Primitive for voice and percussion (2014). On Percussion+, Phasma-Music 070, 2023.
another of - multichannel electro-acoustic sound (2020). On Electronic Masters Vol. 9, Ablaze Records, 2023.
isolation/feedback [SAX] for saxophone quartet (2010). On SQ, Phasma-Music 054, 2022.
Getting across town for one or more performers of any type (2017). On KAPH, Phasma-Music 037, 2021.
the ongoing process for laptop duo (2012). On Electronic Masters Vol. 7, Ablaze Records, 2019.
I wouldn’t eat the strawberries for instrumental and/or vocal trio (2015). On HTAM S307, How Things are Made, 2018.
OBJECTIFICATION [cc1] for chamber string orchestra (2014). On MM76: Amusical Music/Atheatrical Theater, mm bad 004, 2017.
invasion/symbiosis (III) - multichannel electro-acoustic sound (2012). On SEAMUS Electroacoustic Miniatures 2012: Re-Caged, 2013
Bit of Nostalgia... for one or two percussionists and live electronics performer (2006). On Axiom: Society of Composers Inc. CD Series, Navona Records, 2011
Articles, Book Chapters, etc.
“Integrating Opposites: Iannis Xenakis’s Charisma for Clarinet and Cello,” Intégral: The Journal of Applied Musical Thought, 2023 (36): 143-51.
“Roger Reynolds in the late 1960s: Artistic Transition, Ping, and Traces,” First : Listen – The Journal of Critical Listening through Music, Spring 2021.
“Introduction.” In Analytical Studies of the Music of Ashley, Cage, Carter, Dallapiccola, Feldman, Lucier, Reich, Satie, Schoenberg, Wolff, and Xenakis: Essays in Contemporary Music, Thomas DeLio. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2017, xv-xix.
“Liner Notes: Roger Reynolds’s imAgE series.” Roger Reynolds’s imagE/imAge (compact disc). Neuma Records, 2015.
“Becoming...everything else: Situating Performance in Public Space and Daily Life,” Perspectives of New Music, Winter 2014 (52:1): 57-80.
“Weird Al Yankovic,” Grove Dictionary of American Music 2nd ed., 2013, 606.
“American Composers Alliance (entry update),” Grove Dictionary of American Music 2nd ed., 2013, 98.
“Jackson Mac Low (entry update),” Grove Dictionary of American Music 2nd ed., 2013, 321-22.
“Robert Erickson (minor entry update),” Grove Dictionary of American Music 2nd ed., 2013, 157.
“The Evolution of Form in the Music of Roger Reynolds (II),” Tempo: A Quarterly Review of Modern Music, April 2012 (66:260): 34-49.
“The Evolution of Form in the Music of Roger Reynolds (I),” Tempo: A Quarterly Review of Modern Music, January 2012 (66:259): 36-48.
“The Roger Reynolds Collection at the Library of Congress,” Notes: The Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association, March 2008 (64:3): 435-57.
“Perception/Form: Thomas DeLio’s Though for solo piano.” In Essays on the Music and Theoretical Writings of Thomas DeLio, Contemporary American Composer, ed. Thomas Licata. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2008, 165-85.
Review Essays
“CD and DVD Review: Thomas DeLio’s Selected Compositions (1991-2013) and space/image/word/sound,” Computer Music Journal, Spring 2015 (39:1): 88-90.
“Book Review: Catherine Strong’s Grunge: Music and Memory,” Popular Music and Society, May 2013 (36:2): 289-92.
“Book and CD Review: Source: Music of the Avant-garde, 1966-1973 and Source Records 1-6, 1968-1971, Computer Music Journal, Spring 2013 (37:1) 73-75.
“DVD Review: SPACE/SOUND: Multichannel Electroacoustic Music,” Computer Music Journal, Winter 2011 (35:4): 103-105.
“Book Review: John Luther Adams’s The Place Where You Go to Listen: In Search of an Ecology of Music,” Computer Music Journal, Summer 2011 (35:2): 92-95.
“Event Review: SEAMUS 2010,” Computer Music Journal, Winter 2010 (34:4): 74-75.
“CD Review: Amnon Wolman’s The Marilyn Series,” Computer Music Journal, Spring 2010 (34:1): 111-12.
“CD Review: Matthew Ostrowski’s vertebra,” Computer Music Journal, Fall 2009 (33:3): 68-69.
“Book Review: Dr. Dre: A Biography, John Borgmeyer and Holly Lang,” Popular Music and Society, February 2009 (32:1): 134-37.
“CD Review: Dexter Morrill’s Music for Stanford,” Computer Music Journal, Fall 2008 (32:3): 108-10.
“Event Review: SEAMUS 2007,” American Music, Winter 2007 (25:4): 521-23.
“Book Review: Cybersounds: Essays on Virtual Music Culture, ed. Michael Ayers,” Popular Music and Society, May 2007 (30:2): 289-92.
“CD Review: Neuma’s Electro Acoustic Music VII,” Computer Music Journal, Spring 2007 (31:1): 98-100.
“Book Review: A Rock Reader, ed. Richard King,” Popular Music and Society, February 2007 (30:1): 117-19.
“CD Review: Roger Reynolds’s all known all white and Process and Passion,” Computer Music Journal, Summer 2006 (30:2): 99-102.