
  • invasion/symbiosis (III) - multichannel electro-acoustic sound (2012). On Jun, SkyDeck Music SDM-2437, 2024.

  • Allure for string quartet (2021). On Music for String Quartet Vol. 4, Phasma-Music 084, 2024.

  • Primitive for voice and percussion (2014). On Percussion+, Phasma-Music 070, 2023.

  • another of - multichannel electro-acoustic sound (2020). On Electronic Masters Vol. 9, Ablaze Records, 2023.

  • isolation/feedback [SAX] for saxophone quartet (2010). On SQ, Phasma-Music 054, 2022.

  • Getting across town for one or more performers of any type (2017). On KAPH, Phasma-Music 037, 2021.

  • the ongoing process for laptop duo (2012). On Electronic Masters Vol. 7, Ablaze Records, 2019.

  • I wouldn’t eat the strawberries for instrumental and/or vocal trio (2015). On HTAM S307, How Things are Made, 2018.

  • OBJECTIFICATION [cc1] for chamber string orchestra (2014). On MM76: Amusical Music/Atheatrical Theater, mm bad 004, 2017.

  • invasion/symbiosis (III) - multichannel electro-acoustic sound (2012). On SEAMUS Electroacoustic Miniatures 2012: Re-Caged, 2013

  • Bit of Nostalgia... for one or two percussionists and live electronics performer (2006). On Axiom: Society of Composers Inc. CD Series, Navona Records, 2011

Articles, Book Chapters, etc.

  • “Integrating Opposites: Iannis Xenakis’s Charisma for Clarinet and Cello,” Intégral: The Journal of Applied Musical Thought, 2023 (36): 143-51.

  • “Roger Reynolds in the late 1960s: Artistic Transition, Ping, and Traces,” First : Listen – The Journal of Critical Listening through Music, Spring 2021.

  • “Introduction.” In Analytical Studies of the Music of Ashley, Cage, Carter, Dallapiccola, Feldman, Lucier, Reich, Satie, Schoenberg, Wolff, and Xenakis:  Essays in Contemporary Music, Thomas DeLio. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2017, xv-xix.

  • “Liner Notes: Roger Reynolds’s imAgE series.” Roger Reynolds’s imagE/imAge (compact disc). Neuma Records, 2015.

  • Becoming...everything else: Situating Performance in Public Space and Daily Life,” Perspectives of New Music, Winter 2014 (52:1): 57-80.

  • “Weird Al Yankovic,” Grove Dictionary of American Music 2nd ed., 2013, 606.

  • “American Composers Alliance (entry update),” Grove Dictionary of American Music 2nd ed., 2013, 98.

  • “Jackson Mac Low (entry update),” Grove Dictionary of American Music 2nd ed., 2013, 321-22.

  • “Robert Erickson (minor entry update),” Grove Dictionary of American Music 2nd ed., 2013, 157.

  • “The Evolution of Form in the Music of Roger Reynolds (II),” Tempo: A Quarterly Review of Modern Music, April 2012 (66:260): 34-49.

  • “The Evolution of Form in the Music of Roger Reynolds (I),” Tempo: A Quarterly Review of Modern Music, January 2012 (66:259): 36-48.

  • “The Roger Reynolds Collection at the Library of Congress,” Notes: The Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association, March 2008 (64:3): 435-57.

  • “Perception/Form: Thomas DeLio’s Though for solo piano.” In Essays on the Music and Theoretical Writings of Thomas DeLio, Contemporary American Composer, ed. Thomas Licata. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2008, 165-85.

Review Essays

  • “CD and DVD Review: Thomas DeLio’s Selected Compositions (1991-2013) and space/image/word/sound,” Computer Music Journal, Spring 2015 (39:1): 88-90.

  • “Book Review: Catherine Strong’s Grunge: Music and Memory,” Popular Music and Society, May 2013 (36:2): 289-92.

  • “Book and CD Review: Source: Music of the Avant-garde, 1966-1973 and Source Records 1-6, 1968-1971, Computer Music Journal, Spring 2013 (37:1) 73-75.

  • “DVD Review: SPACE/SOUND: Multichannel Electroacoustic Music,” Computer Music Journal, Winter 2011 (35:4): 103-105.

  • “Book Review: John Luther Adams’s The Place Where You Go to Listen: In Search of an Ecology of Music,” Computer Music Journal, Summer 2011 (35:2): 92-95.

  • “Event Review: SEAMUS 2010,” Computer Music Journal, Winter 2010 (34:4): 74-75.

  • “CD Review: Amnon Wolman’s The Marilyn Series,” Computer Music Journal, Spring 2010 (34:1): 111-12.

  • “CD Review: Matthew Ostrowski’s vertebra,” Computer Music Journal, Fall 2009 (33:3): 68-69.

  • “Book Review: Dr. Dre: A Biography, John Borgmeyer and Holly Lang,” Popular Music and Society, February 2009 (32:1): 134-37.

  • “CD Review: Dexter Morrill’s Music for Stanford,” Computer Music Journal, Fall 2008 (32:3): 108-10.

  • “Event Review: SEAMUS 2007,” American Music, Winter 2007 (25:4): 521-23.

  • “Book Review: Cybersounds: Essays on Virtual Music Culture, ed. Michael Ayers,” Popular Music and Society, May 2007 (30:2): 289-92.

  • “CD Review: Neuma’s Electro Acoustic Music VII,” Computer Music Journal, Spring 2007 (31:1): 98-100.

  • “Book Review: A Rock Reader, ed. Richard King,” Popular Music and Society, February 2007 (30:1): 117-19.

  • “CD Review: Roger Reynolds’s all known all white and Process and Passion,” Computer Music Journal, Summer 2006 (30:2): 99-102.